The Association of Ukrainians in South Australia is the state’s peak body with six cultural-social organisations under its auspices and affiliations with nine incorporated associations and four church parishes.
AUSA initiates, develops and maintains respectful relationships with all tiers of government, community organisations, and its members, guests and friends. We are South Australia’s sole member of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) who are members of the Ukrainian World Congress. Working closely with our interstate partner organisations (hromady), this global collaboration amplifies our advocacies for all Ukrainians.
AUSA is a non-profit registered charity with Consumer and Business Services. Extensive fundraising ventures coordinated by volunteers have directly supported all displaced Ukrainians in South Australia, the Ukraine Crisis Appeal and U-Help.
- To develop, promote and support the growing interest of the Australian-Ukrainian community.
- To ensure we remain a relevant and financially sound organisation serving the cultural and educational needs of the Australian-Ukrainian community.
We aim to have:
- A strong and vibrant cultural life through the agency of an active and well-managed community centre.
- A growing membership that embraces Ukrainians of all generations and all backgrounds.
- Effective youth, cultural, educational and social development plans.
- A proactive elected leadership that works in partnership with others and communicates effectively with members including all states and territories and independent Ukraine.
- A strong financial base through effective business planning, marketing and management of assets.
We work in way that:
- Helps us be proud to be Ukrainian.
- Promotes community spirit.
- Promotes trust and understanding.
- Respects individuals, their views and their contribution.

Тарас Шевченко
І мене в сім’ї великій,
В сім’ї вольній, новій,
Не забудьте пом’янути
Незлим тихим словом!
And in the great new family,
The family of the free,
With softly spoken, kindly word
Remember also me.
“My Testament” by Taras Shevchenko (1840-1861). Translated by John Weir Toronto, 1961.